What Effective Laws Look Like
MADD’S Model Ignition Interlock Law Provisions explains how to set up effective interlock programs.
Section 1
Interlocks for every drunk driver as soon as possible
Section 2
Require interlocks for all drunk drivers
Section 3
No wait out of interlock period
Section 4
Interlocks part of any plea agreement or reduction in sentence
Section 5
Compliance based removal of interlock order
Section 6
Require interlock for refusing a chemical test
Section 7
Allow arrested offender the option to go on interlock sooner if they waive their Administrative License Revocation (ALR) Hearing, provide day-for-day credit for interlock installation after arrest but before a criminal conviction
Section 8
Drunk drivers should pay for the ignition interlock
Section 9
Charge an administrative fee that allows the Department of Motor Vehicles to hire additional employees to administer the interlock program
Section 10
Section 11
Penalties for tampering, circumventing the interlock, or failing to install
Section 12
Hybrid Judicial and DMV interlock program
Section 13
Require lengthier interlock sentences for those who commit a DWI with a child in their vehicle
Section 14
Underserved areas and remote breath testing devices
Section 15
Limited judicial opt-out
See how ignition interlock laws can be implemented in your state.
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