How They Help | Safety and Advocacy For Empowerment

SAFE - Safety and Advocacy For Empowerment
Cars driving on the highway

How they help offenders

Ignition interlocks let offenders maintain their driving privileges with a rehabilitative solution.

Suspending a drunk driver's license is not an effective solution because it prevents them from doing necessary daily tasks, like going to work or taking their children to school. It’s also impractical for law enforcement to constantly monitor them. Instead, ignition interlock systems allow offenders to continue driving while keeping the public safe. This system also encourages drivers to think about their behavior and make better choices in the future.

0 sec Minimal intrusion.

It only takes 30 seconds more to start your car.

0 % Rehabilitative.

36% reduction in recidivism after interlock was removed.

$ 0 /day Low cost over time.

Ignition Interlocks cost only $3/day on average.

Ignition interlocks increase public safety by empowering drivers to make safer, smarter decisions.

Aerial view of a highway

The problem with license suspension

A woman riding a busA car driving through a crosswalkA man driving at nightA police siren light

Suspended licenses complicate job and family responsibilities.

They don’t stop an alcohol-impaired driver from starting their car and driving.

50-75% convicted drunk drivers continue to drive with a suspended license.

8,400 people die every year in fatal crashes caused by drivers with suspended licenses.

The benefits of ignition interlock systems


Offenders maintain driving privileges and are motivated to examine their decisions. 


Technology is the best way to prevent drunk drivers from starting their car. 


Studies show a significant decline in DUI deaths when ignition interlocks are employed.

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